Tuesday, April 12, 2011

I really should play the lottery

This must be my lucky year. So far, I've won some $$ in two of the three Super Bowl pools I joined, opening night tickets for Shrek, the Musical from NewsNet5.com and now, a shawl kit from Yarn on the House. The kit is Liz Abinate's Luna's Shawl pattern (named after Luna Lovegood, of course), and enough Miss Babs yarn to make it in the lovely grey Luna Granite colorway. How cool is that??

Of course, my NCAA brackets tanked, but you can't win 'em all.

Oh, and if you're a fan of the show Bones, check out more of Liz's patterns. She has sock patterns called Temperance and Ms. Wick, a Saroyan shawl and a whole collection of Traveling Woman patterns, inspired by Angela Montenegro.

The cats are thrilled.

"Just let us know when you're done with the shawl so we can test it out."

1 comment:

Michelle B said...

Yay for being lucky!!