I made up for it on Sunday, when I finally did some quilting on the border of my Getaway project and put the binding on the front.
Now I just have to get the binding stitched down on the back and I'll have a finished project. It could probably use some more quilting but that's unlikely to happen, since I have the sleeve attached already. I'd have to take out the top section of binding (releasing the sleeve) to do it. Very unlikely.
Other things I completed over the weekend:
Tea Cups
My guild is doing a fundraiser at the quilt show (April 18-19, at Westlake High School, mark your calendars) called Bras for a Cause. Proceeds go to a charity that supports breast cancer patients ad their families. So Thursday night my friend Beth and her 11-year-old daughter got together to decorate bras for the auction. There are some very clever ladies in my guild. You can see some of their creations here. Beth did the Cupcakes bra, and her daughter did Moon Beamers. It was fun. All I did to mine over the weekend was add the tags (sorry, Sarah, they don't spin) and sugar packets.
Side story: I bought the bra at the dollar store during my lunch break. A couple of my friends went with me, and when I started looking at the bras, one of them wanted to know if I needed to borrow money. She was relieved when I told her what the bra was for. :)
I made the clay part of this name tag at the NEORQC Getaway.
Sunday I added the beads and put some felt and a pin on the back.
Some unfinished knitted objects that I worked on over the weekend include a garter stitch scarf, that makes for good TV knitting.
It's going to be really long when it's done. I figure I'm 1/2-2/3 done so far. I'm just going to knit till I run out of the yarn. I have a bunch of yarn like this that I bought when I first started knitting, thinking I'd make sweaters. I don't think it will work out too well for that purpose, since it snags pretty easily. So I'll either make a boatload of scarves for charity, or I'll just give it away. The women's club at my office is always taking yarn donations.
I also worked on some socks.
Wendy's Generic Toe-Up Sock
Two socks at a time (worsted weight yarn) from Knitting Circles Around Socks
I'm not sure about the 2-at-a-time socks. They will eventually "match". The yarn is the same colorway and dye lot, if you can believe it. I really don't know if I'm going to like the technique. Friday night the two balls of yarn got pretty badly tangled, but I think part of that was my own inattention when I was turning the needles. I'm also not sure the joins are joining right, but I'm only about 3 rounds in, so maybe it'll be okay.
The nice thing about knitting is that do-overs are usually pretty easy. Not so with quilting. Like when you've just cut that strip 2-1/4" and it should have been 2-1/2". This normally happens when you only had 4" left of a fabric you bought 3 years ago and don't have a snowball's chance of getting more. Good times.
So far this week, I haven't done anything crafty. I took in my car yesterday morning to get the bumper fixed. I picked it up this afternoon and it looks great! Actually, the bumper looks better than the rest of the car. But since I park in a garage downtown, there's really no point spending a lot of (my) money to get the dings in the doors fixed. As long as the car's not in danger of rusting to oblivion before it's paid off, I'll leave the dings there. They add character.
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